Here are some of my top picks for GRADUATION GIFT BOOKS:
F in Exams by Richard Benson - The book's subtitle is "The Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers." It's hard to believe these are actual answers that real people gave on tests, but they are. That's what makes them so dang funny. This is the book I bought for my cousin and I had to buy one for myself too. (Jenny, ignore that last sentence if you are reading my blog.)
The Naked Roommate by Harlan Cohen - The title alone is intriguing and promises some laughs, but this book actually has some very good advice for those about to go off to college for the first time.
The Elements of Style: 50th Anniversary Edition by Strunk and White - OK, you may have been forced to buy this book at some point, but it's really quite helpful, especially for those would-be English majors. (Elements of Style is also available in a fancy, illustrated edition.)
Shoot for the Moon: Lessons on Life from a Dog Named Rudy by Corinne Humphrey - Here's my new feel-good, reach-for-the-stars, inspirational graduation book. It's simple yet lovely. Plus, it's based on a real-life rescue dog that overcame abuse and neglect with the help and love of his owner. (Have I mentioned I like dogs?)
Oh, the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss - This graduation gift favorite is back with a new sparkly-covered Party Edition. It's still a wonderful story with inspiration, honesty, and Dr. Seuss' rhythmic rhyme.
The Healthy College Cookbook by Alexandra Nimetz - Last buy not least, this cookbook is a great graduation gift. It's aimed at college students who will appreciate it's promise of being "Quick. Cheap. Easy."