Saturday, November 6, 2010

Suzanne Collins

I already have blogged extensively about The Hunger Games Trilogy and how fabulous the books are. But, I wanted to add this cool photo to the mix.

This is a picture of my daughter and Suzanne Collins at the Midwest Bookseller's Association, Children's Book Breakfast. Micawber's amazing Scholastic rep, Terribeth, gave me two tickets to sit at Suzanne Collins' table.

As Hans, my boss and co-owner of Micawber's says, "We don't pay very much but there are definite perks." Having breakfast with an author I greatly admire is definitely a perk.


Unknown said...

That's awesome. What a great perk.

laurasalas said...

Awww, cute!

And I have got to read Mockingjay.

Dara Dokas said...

I really enjoyed Mockingjay. It wrapped up the trilogy very well.